Current for 1st August 2020 – will update if there are any changes

Picrama is a Photographer & Videographer team in Brisbane, Australia. In the last few months, we have shot various events from engagements, elopements, weddings and commercial events. We found that some people were uncertain or vague about the current Coronavirus restrictions are, as they relate to photography or videography in Queensland. In this blog, I will talk about Coronavirus restrictions for engagements and weddings only.

If you like to read more information on the restrictions, here is a description of the restrictions:

If you like to read more about stage 3 restrictions, here is a description of the restrictions:

 Here are the restriction rules that are put into place for weddings or elopments during the getting ready, ceremony, portrait session, reception, and after party:

1. Social distancing is still in effect. Maintaining 1.5 metres apart at all times, except for people living together in the same house. No physical touching (hugging, kissing) between guests, unless they are living together already.

2. Up to 100 people can attend a wedding, as long as social distancing measures are maintained.

3. During the reception, guests are not able to stand and eat or drink, guests are only permitted to leave their seat to obtain a drink or food, provided they return to their seat afterwards. For a reception space in a commercial setting, there must be at least 2 square metres of space per one person. And for a reception space in a private home, there must be at least 4 square metres per 1 person.

4. After party, aka dance floors are not allowed during stage 3 wedding restrictions

5. If you are inviting more than 50 guest, an Approved Plan or COVID Safe Checklist is required to help contact tracing.

6. Safe and hygiene practises still applies including 1.5m physical distancing, hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, and frequent environmental cleaning and disinfection.

7. For dinning tables, only people from the same family are able to sit together, guest from two different families, need to sit on two different tables.

8. If you have further questions, is the best place to search and contact. Alternatively, call 134 COVID (134 268).

9. In summary, social distancing must be maintained